
Showing posts with the label Tennis Coaching

FROM GOOD TO GREAT: Strategies to Improve Your Tennis Coaching

As tennis coaches, we must constantly refine our skills, seek new knowledge, and challenge how we do things . Here are three proven ways to boost your coaching ability , along with insights into why they work and what to watch for. 1. Attend ITF Workshops and Learn from Experts One of the easiest ways to gain knowledge as a tennis coach is by attending International Tennis Federation (ITF) workshops and other similar events. These gatherings offer insights from experienced speakers, access to the latest trends in coaching , and an opportunity to network with other coaches from around the world. However, it’s important to recognize that this form of learning only takes you so far. ITF workshops often focus on foundational principles, which are invaluable but may eventually plateau in their usefulness. As you progress, you’ll need to seek out more specialized sources of inspiration and deeper knowledge tailored to your specific coaching goals. 2. Learn from Mentors and Collaborat...


  Breaking Old Habits and Embracing New Ideas For 64 years, I didn’t drink coffee. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it—I’d just decided at some point that coffee wasn’t for me. It became part of my identity: I was someone who didn’t drink coffee. I never questioned it; it was just the way things were. Then, one day, something changed. I decided to try it. Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was the challenge of stepping outside my comfort zone, but I gave coffee a chance. And to my surprise, I loved it. Now, having a cup of coffee is one of my favourite things to do each day. I look forward to it, and I’m genuinely happy that I broke the mold of who I thought I was. But here’s the thing: it wasn’t easy to change. I had to let go of an attachment to my old way of thinking—of the story I’d told myself for so long. I had to open my mind to the idea that I could enjoy something I’d always dismissed. And by doing that, I found something wonderful. What Does This Have to Do with Coaching? As co...


The Volley is the most misunderstood shot in tennis. Here are my steps to master and understand the volley better.


The cross-court ground-stroke in tennis is the equivalent of the boxing jab. It's used as a stepping stone for other, more offensive shots and is also the best direction to defend.


Successful coaching requires the coach to understand the students and what motivates them. This video explains two forms of motivation and their strengths and weaknesses.  We look at the Task and ego-motivated mindsets and how they affect the player in practice and in competition.


As tennis coaches, we constantly strive to improve our skills. We must be part teachers and parents, often helping to motivate and inspire our students. Central to our job is the art of teaching, which requires more than just imparting knowledge— it demands active engagement, reinforcement, and ongoing development. Teaching tennis is not simply about sharing what we know . Effective teaching goes beyond merely providing information; it also involves setting up the opportunity for learning . It requires fostering an environment that encourages active participation and critical thinking. I'm convinced that most students understand only a small percentage of what you teach them. They hear you, but filters in their heads block the clear transfer of that information. If you don't believe me, give them instructions, wait for 2 minutes then ask them to repeat the instructions! You will be horrified by how often the instructions have not registered with them at all. In most cases, stu...


When I was a young coach coming up and wanting to eventually coach competitive players, a close friend of mine got the opportunity to coach a Davis Cup team. I thought this was the ultimate, and I desperately wanted to pick his brains and learn as much as possible about his experience. Something he told me back then stuck with me. He said, "Before you teach, you must first set up the opportunity to teach." This means not to presume that just because you're the "Coach", every player will be ready to follow your teachings without question. Far from it!  Advanced players can be very wary of any advice  from someone they haven't built trust with yet It's a common scenario for highly skilled players to be bombarded with advice on improving their game and ranking from every corner. In the realm of sports, it seems everyone is an expert. This reality further reinforced the need for a cautious coaching strategy. Advanced tennis players meet "experts" ...


I've always taught strategy to players early in their development. For me, strategy is an integral part of a competitive player's toolkit along with stroke technique, fitness, and movement.   When teaching strategy to beginners, you'll need to tailor your instructions to suit the age and level of the player(s), but the teaching of strategy should be done early and not left to later.  I have recently been involved with college tennis in the US and have seen firsthand the lack of any prior introduction players receive on the topic of strategy.   Most of the players I have watched competing at college level have had difficulty implementing even elementary strategy in their matches.  The problem starts when, early in a players career, coaches believe that if a player has perfected their stroke technique, that will naturally transfer into savvy match-play. That certainly is not the case.  The fact is that college coaches are left to deal with this neglecte...