LET'S BE CLEAR from the start, you need both options! Open and closed stances have advantages and disadvantages, and you need to adopt both stances during a match if you want to play tennis at a high level. Here’s when it’s best to hit an open stance ground stroke and why… OPEN STANCE 1. Better for higher balls because you can generate more power and maintain balance. With a higher ball , generating power on the shot is sometimes difficult. Adopting an Open Stance allows you to achieve back-swing and follow-through by utilising upper-body rotation. 2. It c an help you disguise your intentions on certain balls, such as a mid-court put-away. You want to keep your opponent guessing on which corner you will target. Adopting an open stance allows you to "look" the same on every set-up, and all you need to do is adjust your contact point ( late or early ), to change direction. 3. It's e asier to recover from wide balls and return back to the ce...