WHAT IS CONFIDENCE? Although it is difficult to accurately explain exactly what confidence is, we certainly know when we have it… and we know when we have lost it! Confidence is not an object or a piece of equipment. You cannot put Confidence inside a box or hold it in your hand. Confidence is a state of mind. It’s a condition we ourselves have created inside us. We can be confident about our strokes, our ability to beat certain players, or our chances of winning on a particular surface. When we play with home town advantage and feel that support for us is greater we tend to do better. That phenomenon is even backed up statistically. Similarly, we can lack confidence in our strokes, in our ability to beat certain players, our chances of winning on a particular surface, and when we play away from home where the support for us is less we can perform worse. Confidence is also something many players and coaches strive to develop during practice bec...