You would think that Novak Djokovic hardly knows what it's like to lose. After multiple Grand Slam and ATP titles, he must enter each tournament with a high degree of confidence that he will win. Maybe not! Last year, 2018, Djokovic was the best player in the world. The combined percentage of points won overall matches he played during the year was 55%! This was his average for the entire year, which he dominated! That's a lot of losing for the best player in the world. You have to realize from this surprising statistic that in tennis, you will lose a lot of points, even if you are the better player, as Djokovic was in most cases. But here's the problem... many players can't handle losing many points! Like most players, you probably go through a roller coaster ride with your confidence levels during a match. The momentum in a game can swing back and forth often. It's these momentum swings that test our perseverance and our resolve du...