
Showing posts from May 3, 2014


HERE'S A DRILL TO HELP DEAL WITH STRESS, CREATE BETTER SHOT SELECTION & IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS... ALL AT THE SAME TIME DESCRIPTION Many players suffer from high levels of stress when competing.  Overcoming the stress and performing to your true potential is sometimes the single most difficult task many players face. It is a known fact that avoidance of stress is one of our strongest instincts.  Given enough time stress can kill us. I have noticed on many occassions players willing to endure the continual frustration of missing easy shots to avoid the stress of playing one more ball. They will actually sabotage the point to avoid playing another ball. Do they admit this to themselves, never! This is all going on at a subconscious level and can be extremely frustrating for player's. Here's something that will also surprise you, it happenes at all levels, even at with professional players. One example of stress avoidance would be a player who is...