My favorite player growing up was Rod Laver. What I admired most about the "Rockhampton Rocket" was that he was just a very normal guy, humble, down-to-earth, and hard-working. He gave normal people like me the idea that it was possible to achieve great things if you could apply yourself to something 100%, like Laver did. During his career, Laver was known for his ability to play his best tennis when it mattered most. He hardly ever lost a five-set match. There was a saying amongst the other players during that era "Laver never loses in the 5th set". He was that good at closing out tough matches! Here are 3 ways you can learn from Rod "Rocket" Laver: #1 Stay focused in the present Allowing your mind to get too far ahead in a match, or beating yourself before you get on the court can be disastrous . Avoid the internal mind games that are flowing around in your head by sticking to your match tactics and not allowing yoursel...