This article aims to provide you with 5 ingredients to help simplify the two-hander and give you more control and versatility. 1. THE BOTTOM HAND The bottom hand on the grip controls the length of your contact zone. The further on top the knuckles of the bottom hand are positioned, the longer your contact zone. The further around to the front of the grip the knuckles of the bottom hand are positioned, the shorter the contact zone will be. The Djokovic bottom hand is positioned almost on top of the handle. This would indicate that he intends to hit down the line. Positioning the knuckles of your bottom hand on top of the handle makes it a lot easier to hit your down-the-line shots, while placing the bottom hand in the front of the handle makes it easier to hit extreme cross-court angles. Y ou need to play your backhand in various grip positions on the handle. The important thing is not the position of your hands on the...