



Successful coaching requires the coach to understand the student and what motivates them. This video explains two forms of motivation and the strengths and weaknesses of both.  We look at the Task and the Ego motivated mindsets and how they effect the player both in practice and in competition.


ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTIONS IN TENNIS... Being successful in competitive tennis  depends largely on how  well, you can manage  problems and control your emotions.  If you have trouble with anger and frustration during matches and believe those emotions during the match are due to playing poorly, then you're mistaken. This notion suggests that errors trigger negative emotions. You make mistakes and then your negative emotions arrive as a consequence.  But after many years of working with competitive players I now believe that a player's predisposition towards negativity and frustration is actually waiting to be triggered by events during the match.  Your current negative mindset amplifies  your reaction to  mistakes; the emotion  doesn't  start from the errors themselves.  This inherent negativity  inside you   amplifies your reactions to errors during a match. The more negativity you carry around with you, the bigger your reaction will be when things start to go wron


THE DROP-SHOT IN MODERN TENNIS The drop shot has evolved from a rarely used tactic a few decades ago to now being an essential weapon in a player's arsenal. By employing it, players can exploit their opponents' being  either  of f balance or standing too deep in the court.  The primary objective of the drop shot is to take advantage of your opponent's court positioning. When executed well, it forces the opponent forward and, if timed correctly, leaves them scrambling to reach the ball and again out of position for the next shot.  To execute the drop shot well, you'll need a combination of the following; THE TIMING You have to execute the drop shot at the right time during the point. If the timing is wrong, your opponent will end up at the net with an easy put-away. The best time to execute the drop shot is when your opponent is deep off the baseline or off balance running the wrong way. You'll need to train your observation skills as you play points so that you make


HIDDEN POTENTIAL In his best-selling book Hidden Potential, author Adam Grant describes a previously unknown chess team that surprised everyone by winning the US National Schools Chess Championships.  To do so, they overcame schools that had been playing chess much longer, and that had been much more successful.  It turns out that a teacher at the school decided to introduce chess to his students for the first time. Initially, his goal was to get the children enthusiastic about chess. He achieved this  by having them start matches from the game's final stages rather than from the beginning. He guessed that starting from the beginning with all the pieces on the board would be boring to them and perhaps turn them off chess before they fully understood the game. The children soon began to enjoy playing chess and as his young players got better, he would add more pieces at the beginning until finally, they were starting normally, with all the pieces on the board. TRADITIONAL METHODOLOG


Teaching tennis requires an understanding of the differences between coaching men and women.  While athletes of both genders do share many commonalities, there are unique nuances that coaches must understand to fully unlock their potential.  You ca n't teach tennis the same way for both, and you'll get much better results by adopting a different methodology for each gender. Wayne Smith, a renowned New Zealand rugby coach who coached the All Blacks rugby team to win the World Cup, when asked about the difference he found between coaching men and women (he also coached the New Zealand Women's rugby team to win the Women's World Cup) said... 'Men must win to be happy while  women must be happy to win. ' Wayne Smith was able to successfully win the Men's and Women's Rugby  World cups I have witnessed countless on-court sessions in which women have been driven relentlessly and harshly by coaches who have believed it was the correct way to coach a woman. The f


As tennis coaches, we constantly strive to improve our skills. We must be part teachers and parents, often helping to motivate and inspire our students. Central to our job is the art of teaching, which requires more than just imparting knowledge— it demands active engagement, reinforcement, and ongoing development. Teaching tennis is not simply about sharing what we know . Effective teaching goes beyond merely providing information; it also involves setting up the opportunity for learning . It requires fostering an environment that encourages active participation and critical thinking. I'm convinced that most students understand only a small percentage of what you teach them. They hear you, but filters in their heads block the clear transfer of that information. If you don't believe me, give them instructions, wait for 2 minutes then ask them to repeat the instructions! You will be horrified by how often the instructions have not registered with them at all. In most cases, stu