COACHING FUTURE CHAMPIONS: Creating An Environment To Succeed


Sir Alex Ferguson, the renowned former football manager of Manchester United, had incredible success over a 27-year career with the club. 

Since he departed from the club, Manchester United has struggled to match the outstanding results Ferguson could produce during his years in charge. Many of the Managers who have replaced Ferguson have also had big reputations and have proven track records at other big clubs. So why have these replacements not been able to match the standards set by Ferguson and demanded by the clubs' supporters?

Why was Sir Alex Ferguson able to do for Manchester United what no other football manager has been able to do since? 

If Manchester United were the same team, why were they unable to continue with the same results?

There was a similar story in the world of boxing.

When Michael Gerard Tyson, better known to the world as Mike, was 16 years old, he met a boxing trainer named Gus D'Amato. D'Amato was an experienced trainer with an eye for talent and saw the enormous potential of the young Tyson and began work on developing Mike into a highly skilled and disciplined fighter. 

D'Amato and Tyson

Before meeting D'Amato, Mike Tyson had been arrested by police 38 times before turning 13 years old. However, by the age of 20, Gus D'Amato had turned Mike Tyson into the youngest heavyweight boxing champion. D'Amato was able to influence the young Mike Tyson's attitude and personal discipline in a big way. Gus D'Amato was the right trainer for Mike Tyson and came along at just the right time.

Unfortunately, Gus D'Amato died during Tyson's highly successful tenor as the world's top heavyweight, and the attitude and discipline that took Tyson to the top were also gone.

Apart from technical ability, there are other factors present in a team or individual's success that, if neglectedwill lead to that team or individual's decline.

In the early '90s, I was part of the Britannia Amritraj Tennis Scheme (BAT) in Madras, India. BAT consisted of 8 boys and two coaches, and during our frequent trips to tournaments within India and overseas, we developed different rituals at each of the various venues we played.

The evening dinner ritual was to sit at the same table, use the same seat, and order the same meal each night until the tournament was over.

Several boys also had superstitions regarding clothing. One boy needed to wear the same pair of shorts for every match. He would wash his favorite shorts each night and hope they were dry by the next day (often, they weren't).

Were these quirks baseless superstitions, or did they have their origins in something more profound?

Early in a player's career, stroke technique plays a significant part in their development. Still, later, as these young players move into a higher, more competitive environment, other factors become even more crucial than technical prowess.

Players perform better when they are organised and familiar with their surroundings. 
Sometimes, the most critical job of a coach on tennis trips is to get the logistics right for players. Where to eat, what time to wake up, and who to practice with are as important as tactics for upcoming matches. 

Predictability within their environment allows a player to focus on their matches. 
They not only like it, but they also need it!

I do not doubt that what distinguished Sir Alex Ferguson from the others was his ability to create an environment for his teams to succeed. Gus D'Amato did the same for Mike Tyson. Much of the environment building would have been intuitive to both men after many years of experience.

Whether experienced or not, young tennis coaches wanting to enter the world of competitive coaching will need to learn the art of environment building for the players under their care if they're going to succeed.

Both Sir Alex Ferguson's success at Manchester United and Gus D'Amato's impact on Mike Tyson's career can be attributed to their ability to create a conducive environment for their teams or individuals to succeed. While technical skills and talent are undoubtedly important, the environment surrounding athletes or teams plays a significant role in their performance and achievements. Here's why environment building is crucial in sports:

  • Leadership and Guidance: Both Ferguson and D'Amato provided strong leadership and guidance to their respective teams or individuals. They had a clear vision, set high standards, and instilled discipline and a winning mentality in their players or boxers. They acted as mentors and role models, ensuring that everyone was focused and committed to their goals.

  • Team Cohesion and Culture: Ferguson and D'Amato fostered a strong sense of unity and camaraderie within their teams. They created a positive team culture where individuals worked together towards a common objective. Building trust, respect, and a sense of belonging helped the players or boxers support and motivate each other, leading to improved performance on the field or in the ring.

  • Psychological Support: Creating a supportive and nurturing environment is crucial for athletes' mental well-being. Both Ferguson and D'Amato understood the importance of addressing the psychological aspects of their athletes' performances. They provided encouragement, motivation, and psychological support to help their teams or individuals overcome challenges, deal with pressure, and maintain focus during crucial moments.

  • Attention to Detail: Paying attention to even the smallest details can have a significant impact on performance. Ferguson and D'Amato were known for their meticulous planning and preparation. They ensured that their teams or individuals had the necessary resources, facilities, and support systems in place. This attention to detail created an environment where everything was optimized for success.

  • Consistency and Stability: Maintaining a consistent and stable environment allows athletes to focus on their performance without unnecessary distractions. Ferguson's long tenure at Manchester United provided stability to the club, and D'Amato's untimely death had a negative impact on Tyson's career. Continuity and a sense of security enable athletes to develop routines, rituals, and superstitions that help them feel comfortable and perform at their best.

  • Adaptability and Innovation: While creating a stable environment is important, successful coaches and mentors also adapt and innovate when necessary. Ferguson and D'Amato were not afraid to make changes, learn from failures, and adapt their strategies to meet new challenges. They were constantly seeking ways to improve and stay ahead of the competition.

In conclusion, creating a supportive, disciplined, and high-performance environment is essential for achieving success in sports. Coaches and mentors who can build such environments for their teams or individuals greatly enhance their chances of achieving exceptional results. The role of environment building is not limited to experienced coaches; it is a valuable skill that young coaches should develop to help their athletes thrive.


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